
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Still here !

Ahh ! Life has been so busy lately and despite the fact that I sit in front of my computer all day long, I haven't actually had time to post, let alone do the other things on top of my priority list, either! Not only do I feel like a delinquent blogger, I feel like I have had no time to inhale or exhale…!

Do you ever have those days where you literally forget to breathe? And then it’s the end of the day and you let out this enormous gasp and you're like "Wow that felt amazing. I was depriving myself of that awesome feeling all day because of why?" And then you realize, you didn't deprive yourself intentionally, but you just have so many things on your plate right now -- so many obligations, so many assignments, so many everything -- that you neglected to schedule any time at all to breathing.

Anyway, I’m sure it’s not as absurd as it sounds. In fact after this weekend, I expect things to be much more relaxed and I’ll be back to my regular schedule and not trying to do everything at once.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Here’s to a sweet and rosy 2006!

Having said that …..Now I'm faced with another year, another chance to go after my dreams and as Henry David Thoreau suggests, live the life I imagined and another chance to get my act together... Although I'm still working on last year's determinations, I'd like to add a few more to my eternal list.

In 2006, I resolve to

- Create a life plan, one that will work. I don't have to follow it, but to have one is becoming so important.
- Exercise regularly
- Dance
- Plan my higher education & have work goals
- Learn to cook more
- Make more trips
- Get paid for my writing
- Be the best version of myself I can be

Again, Here's wishing y’all a fabulous 2007, filled with much love, happiness and joy.
Happy, Happy New Year!!

