
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Last vacation for 2007

This was the last of the two vacations for the year. I am going to make a promise to myself to take more vacations this coming year. Well.. atleast that if not anything else. Though this was really, really short- as all vacations usually are, the vacation with the family was definitely something. I got to spend some quality time with mom, unending card games with my cousins, a steady supply of food and beverages, late night giggling and a lot of sitting around in the beach doing nothing. Aside from all that, I had my ten-year-younger cousin attempting to set me up with all the 18-year-old boys she knows!

Arriving with the cousins

Mom n' I

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Well.. the vacation didn't turn out exactly as planned. Turns out your plans will never work out, especially when you're dating someone who's already juggling ten things at a time. You should just not expect to see them. Ever. Thank god for friends with unending patience who pretend never to get tired of listening to your endless venting and complaints. I'm going to be mentally prepared for the standard excuses for all the coming birthdays, anniversaries and if we get this far, probably the birth of our first-born too. And let's also not forget that a vacation together consists of a trip down to the stationery store for photocopies and new printer paper. To be completely fair, this time blew only because of a personal emergency and I'm glad all worked out ok. So, I'll stop now.

Aneways, it turned out that I had a wonderful time with my fabulously adorable niece and nephew. Not to mention a million more kids running around...(a million, five..same difference). And again, I'm so glad I took the time to spend the time with them even though it makes me feel old that I'm an 'aunt' to so many nephews and nieces now...Anya ( 2-yr-old, looks 4) was jus plain adorable, and most of my conversations with Rohan (6-yr old, looks 4) went like this ...
R: Hi.
Me: Oh hi, Rohan! How are you?
R: Good. What's your favorite season?
Me: Umm..summer! What's yours?
R: Same.
Me: We have so much in common! (me attempting to be funny, you know, in order to impress an 6-year-old)
R: Uh. Sure.

Not cool. But a start nevertheless.


I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology.  For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.
