
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Passion Defined

If you had to ask a lot of people what passion was, you’d get a lot of answers. At this point of time, this is what makes sense to me the most - Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of ‘YOU’ into what you do. (Definition idea borrowed from my favorite author on the subject of passion – Curt Rosengren)

But how important is passion at work? Apparently not as much as it’s made out to be. Or at least, it’s not an absolute must for a successful and fulfilling life. Maybe the people who find their passions only when they’re 40 are really the lucky ones, because they are able to differentiate between just their competencies and their true passion. Imagine if you had to find out at a much later year, that you were wrong and had to find out that your chosen career is not your passion and you're captive to a career at that time. If you have passion for your occupation, great! But if you don’t, that’s not too bad either.

All things considered, it distresses me that I have not identified my occupational passion yet. Then again, maybe I just need to experience a lot of things to really know what my passion is. And while I’m doing that, I can focus on what brings out more of ‘me’ and the things I like to do - till I find the kind of job that is really an extension of who I am. That sounds like the right thing.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Taking the perfect turn

There are some moments in your life when your confidence in yourself is restored. This is one of them- the moment when you’re finally able to take that perfect U-turn with your car in a really narrow space. After that little success bit, I felt a small smile spread to my face as I knew I’d finally made it. All these days, I’d been disappointed in myself over nothing. After all, it had only been a matter of time before I was going to be able to make the perfect turn.

There are so many of those things in life that you think you’re never going to be able to do or the time’s never going to be just right or the circumstances are never going to be in your favor. Though a little conscious effort is always good, there is no sense pushing yourself to something that you’re not ready for. Maybe there are more experiences that you have to go through before you’re ready to take on the really big tasks. When the time is right, you will know that the fear has passed and the task will come naturally to you.

So, if something like a U-turn can become so easy to me, which by the way, is one of the things that I’ve feared the most; I’m sure all those other elusive things will be jus as easy to me one of these days. Like getting into a size ‘small’ or Taking on a partner for life. Jus’ some efforts towards the right direction, never losing heart, good timing and taking the perfect turn- that’s the key!


Should all our relationships be real?

I have been meeting a lot of people who are ready for ‘not-so-real’ relationships from the word ‘go’. Not affairs, these associations are more meaningful than that. Yet, no strings attached and no promises made. These relationships can be summed up as fun and make-both-happy momentary types, even a little bit of love. This is obviously unethical in the relationship sense, but what makes this okay to the people in them? What is it that we are so starved for that makes this acceptable and something that we even ‘desire’ sometimes? Given the facts that… One or both of them in this relationship already have one solid relationship in the bag and acknowledge that. Could it be jus the attraction? Or the possibility of settling for something rather than nothing? Or maybe the option that the two people don’t want to/ cannot take too long a walk together for various reasons. Does such a relationship show terribly bad character? And what happens when this momentary relationship takes a hurtful turn - hurt to either one of them in the relationship or to someone outside of it. Should there be a hurt-proof way of doing this and…. What happens if a lot of good does come of such an unreal relationship?