
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

60 things about me

I recently read someone's blog where this person had written 100 things about herself. And t'was really nice to read. I decided to start writing for myself. Once I started writing, I was having so much fun that I still have so much more I want to add. This is all about me-

1) I hate nicknames. I don't call others by nicknames and prefer not to be nicknamed. My name is Arthi. Rt is fine because it still sounds like my name. My first boyfriend gave me that abbreviated version of my name.
2) I want to do a LOT of things... I can never make up my mind.
3) When I was small, I wanted to be a chartered accountant, simply because my initials read- 'C. A'. This was funny because I was very mathematically inept, when small. I would recalculate a million times to check if the shopkeeper gave me the exact change. That's something I still do. Which is sad, considering my job requires me to be an analytical person!
4) During my first interview for a kindergarten school, I refused to talk. The school correspondent refused my admission because he thought I couldn’t speak. Godd... He should meet me now... Boy...Would I talk!!!?!? :)
5) Over the years, my school principal's been someone who I’ve admired the most. Once as a kid, I preserved a chocolate he gave me for a very very long time. No one could eat it finally. It melted many days later and was a mess. I cried.
6) I had my first crush on the guy with whom I used to play a game called 'memory' with. We were the school champions or something. I thought we were made for each other.
7) When I was small, I thought kissing made babies. One time, I told my mom that I made a baby because someone kissed me.
8) I had birthday parties every year when I was a kid. All the neighborhood kids used to come dressed as Spiderman, batman, superman etc. I loved all the gifts I used to get.
9) My elder brother was a karate learner. When we were small, all people who badmouthed me had to deal with my brother’s karate. (I only remember him doing the yelling part of karate, though)
10) I love my brother; He and I are the opposite- we can't relate too much to each other but he's still definitely one of those who I know I can depend on for anything.
11) When I was small, I loved the times my dad and I used to walk to the library.
12) My mom's very special to me. Despite my claims that she NEVER understands me, she still always tries to. And that means a lot.
13) I am a hopeless romantic, hopeful of finding real love someday.
14) I have found two soul mates - two people who I know I can depend on for almost anything and who believe in me.
15) I had a culture shock when I went to my first job in hyd. I would never have endured all that, if not for my roommate. We gave the others there quite a shock too. There was a particular nite when we were actually the 'like that' gals! goshh..
16) I hate rejection but I know I’ll get there eventually.
17) I can lie very proficiently. To the most part, I'm an honest person by choice.
18) I used to be jealous of people who hung out with big groups of friends. Now, I'm glad I'm not like that.
19) I only feel close and comfortable with very FEW people.
20) I definitely regret not staying in touch with some friends from before.
21) I have a huge ego. I will never tell a guy that I love him if he's not in love with me.
22) I'm mostly very independent- Drive and do things on my own. Most people I've been with therefore don't really offer to pick me up/ drop me/ run my errands etc etc. I would die for someone who would do all of those for me. I am jealous of gals who daunt on their boyfriends that way.
23) I luv artsy stuff. I go absolutely crazy in a contemporary art place - home decor, cane stuff, colored glass, dolls, colors, paintings, crockery, flowers, fish tanks .. etc etc.
24) I luv to drive. Learning to drive was one of my major achievements. I will always be thankful to my friends who had the patience to teach me to drive.
25) I am jealous of my best friend who can dance really well. I wish I could dance like her.
26) I luv to shop. I can never seem to have enough money to shop. My dream is to be able to buy without ever having to look at the price tags.
27) I love kids. I don’t like holding babies though. I'm scared I'll drop them.
28) I have my kid's names picked out. My husband has to be OKAY with them.
29) I like the way I look. I always want to lose weight. I have recently started going to the gym and hope to see some results on that.
30) I have never felt the need to explain myself to others. Only to myself. I have made enemies because of this trait of mine.
31) I never fight. There's only one person in my 24 years of life with whom I’ve probably had meaningless fights with and I don't enjoy them.
32) I only have crushes on real people. Never celebrities or anything like that. I've only had three big crushes so far.... wait, maybe four. Or is it five.... oh, watever! But seriously, only three crushes.
33) I have, at one time, been in love. I hope it will happen again.
34) I prefer older friends. I have very few friends my age. The same goes for men I like to date.
35) I have a very short attention span.
36) I luv to travel. I want to live in a lot of places.
37) I luv giving advice. Its like a magic trick that I'm very good at. I have no clue how that comes easy to me. My advice works for everyone but me.
38) I often think about my dog Jimmy. He died on my brother's fourteenth birthday.
39) I luv the sea, I luv the waves, I luv walking by the beach.
40) I want to go on a cruise for my honeymoon.
41) I am extremely clumsy. All hands, u mite say.
42) I luv food. My favorite is Chinese cuisine. But in general, I'm definitely the foody type. Chocolate’s my flavor. I luv eating at roadside places too.
43) My idea of the perfect bday present is a bunch of balloons, flowers, and one materialistic feminine gift like a pair of earrings and a drink to share.
44) I luv chai. Almost an addict. I never talk to anyone till I have my morning mug of tea. I sometimes shift preferences to coffee.
45) Other than English, I am fluent with Hindi and Tamil. I could manage a line of French if my life depended on it.
46) I have been hurt and hurt someone else. Both hurt me jus’ as bad.
47) I don’t like overly critical people.
48) I am cynical of a lot of things. Not negative- but definitely cynical.
49) I am drawn to power. I respect incredibly smart people.
50) I am restless if I don’t get what I want. Well... I’m restless otherwise too. I will do everything to get my way.
51) I don’t like failure. I will never agree I failed at something. I will do everything possible to not face failure again. I’m very competitive with myself.
52) I will keep the visible parts of my home clean and beautiful. Inside my closets, it’s a mess.
53) I have my own dream book. I can’t believe I once made fun of a friend for having his dream book.
54) I know shit happens. I don’t believe something good will come out of EVERYTHING that happens.
55) I will do some things just for the heck of it. EVERYTHING does not have to make sense.
56) I love people. They amaze and fascinate me. I believe the most attractive quality is confidence.
57) I am spontaneous and playful.
58) I like relationships that are old and familiar to me, and those that are new and exciting;
59) The most critical judge of myself is I. The relationship that I share with myself is the most significant and exhausting!
60) I totally agree with Sarah Jessica Parker...Real love has to be cant live without each other love. It has to be honest, simple, ridiculous, inconvenient and consuming.

……………….Oh god… There’s so much more I want to say! Maybe later.


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is awesome!!! I do have some concerns, which I would like to talk about later, over the phone...take care. (Me)

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Abhishek Kumar said...

Hey this was amazing!! I read everything... and it was fantastic! I feel I know you so much better now! Okay, lemme tag you "50 things you wanna do before you die!!"

All the best, Love this.


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Arti, this was im gonna do my own list...will let ya know when I'm done...
and u know what??? Why wasnt i surprised by almost all the things u had it cuz i REALLY know you? :))))

At 3:29 AM, Blogger Pushan Sikdar said...

somehow landed into..ur blog n started wondering how much head banging it takes to remember 60 things u luv...i dnt know how much time it took for u to pen it..but wud have never able to finish it..

At 4:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow those 60 things were pretty overwhelming. He He.

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You actually did count very well for someone mathematically challenged.


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