
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Monday, October 08, 2007


I've started working out in the morning. That's right... I willingly wake up an hour and a half earlier than I actually have to .. all just to sweat, lift weights, stretch and utterly exhaust myself... And all before 7.30 am. What the hell is wrong with me? This morning when my alarm went off at the ungodly hour of 5.00 am , although all I wanted do was throw out my annoying alarm clock... I pulled through and made it to class. (Thanks to the image of the irritatingly perfectly-made people I see everyday and my new work-out pants that I was dying to wear.)

Today I was a part of a different aerobics class than my own and therefore was embarrasingly outclassed... Th minute the class began, I realized the women around me were all athletic tigresses... atleast , I think they're women.. Actually, I'm not even sure they're human. Their super stamina and energy absolutely amazed and motivated me,,, that is after I got over my initial shock and fear. When our Jane fonda look-alike intructor asked how we're doing at the end of the class, in a perfectly harmonised chorus, the ladies enthusiastically chimed " GREAT".. Not a hint of breathlessness in their voices. I , on the other hand,
just about managed a barely-audible "okaaay" out of me.


At 6:10 AM, Blogger Pramod Abraham said...

I am not sure of the tiger part.But I am sure you will soon get into the groove very soon.When you see all the folks around you go full trottle you unconsciously start to follow.Sooner than later you will be one among the "tigress" lot.

On a side note, ppl tend to eat more when they come after the aerobics class!!

So watch out for the choco bar that you might have hidden. Cheers


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