
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I always figure things have a way of working out for the best. It's three years now and things have made a decision, but not for the best. Very rarely in my life have there been people who are forbidden to me; people who I know exist, but I can't talk to. Because one conversation would inadvertently create too much. Unnecessary pain.

And because you can't physically speak to them, you converse with them in your dreams. It's as if your mind knows that certain encounters in real life are just too intense to handle and unhealthy for awake life, so they get played in your subconcious. If materialized in real , it would break the heart and destroy the spirit.

But unfortunately your internal core paints the picture so honest - so sincere..and while dozing away, your dreams reveal the profound, unfortunate truth...the one that is too scary to face in broad daylight... that the lights have gone out inside my world.

And thus the forbidden dialogue resurfaces everyday in my sleep.

Regrettably so, I might add.


At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why you're feeling blue and hope you'll feel better soon.. but very nice writing.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger The Black King said...

Of dreams and their shards, or swords and warriors, of fallen knights, of broken mirrors --- the tale of life. Your writing expresses your anguish well: my best wishes are with you.

At 10:46 PM, Blogger The Maverick Blog said...

very interestin piece of writin...


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