
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


People say we should live every moment like it's our last.. live life to the fullest blah blah blah.. when in doubt, imagine that this is the last day of your life and then decide what you want to do... I think all of that is such bull shit.. Complete Nonsense.

In all probability what is going to happen is that you are NOT going to be hit by a bus, you are NOT going to suddenly succomb to an incurable ailment , you are NOT going to be murdered on your way back home, and neither are you going to tragically die in your sleep. What's probably going to happen is that you are going to live a bloody long life, And you are going to have to reap all the damn consequences of the decisions you made, the choices you made.

That is why every time I have the urge to do something incedibly stupid, that I know I'm not going to able to live with or that is definitely going to piss people around me off.. I make sure I think twice now. From simple to complicated.. like I don't know.. let's see ... if I want to sing at the top of my voice in public, jump off a cliff, or lure someone into a car chase, or kiss the guy who I've had a crush on know I'm not gonna.

Sometimes, I feel like making an actual decision is scarier than living with the decision's outcome. Which I think is quite strange. The choice itself should not be more terrifying than it's aftermath. But, alas, in my world it is. And living each day like it's your last is clearly not the answer I was looking for.

The good or bad part, I guess is that even after all the decisions and choices we die and make after analyzing and over analyzing, right to the extent of a being a neurotic wreck, life still chooses to be completely circumstantial.

"And the best thing you ever did for me, was to help me take my life less seriously. It's only life, afterall."
-Indigo Girls

Til later.


At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pah, sometimes you surprise me with your thought processes! And now I have a complex.

But I still love you with all your complications -- don't be afraid to make decisions with me. I'll see you everything (all the consequences, that is...). I promise I'll always be matter what.

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful post...... As I read through, I was making mental notes on all the comments I wanted to make, but there are so many of them... It's more of a discussion than one comment

At 10:14 AM, Blogger The Black King said...

Lovely post! Maybe living life like each day is your last is not the answer, but a few impulsive decisions do bring spice to life.


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