
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Creating reality

We all create our own realities - I'm certain of it.. For better or worse.

Everything we are are and want to be - our thoughts and feelings are what that creates it. When we focus on something, we give power to those thoughts; and those ideas ultimately become our truth. Unfortunately this is not true only for our positive thoughts ; when we focus our thinking on all the negative in our lives, invariably, we become more of the same - negative.

It seems like a catch 22....we analyze our problems to death in an effort to understand them better and save ourselves, get to their heart and find solutions- do the right thing, yet it seems doing so causes us to live in them , rather than move past them.
Perhaps a better way to act would be to imagine for ourselves what we deeply desire...... similar to the way I used to visualize acing a test or a competition or a difficult routine or just getting through a difficult time, visualize what you want for life and by devoing to it directed energy ... you will attract exactly what you desire, and crave and require. and eventually make it happen.

Our thoughts are really the origin of all things....what we believe we bring into being... we give form to our ideas and that brings about reality....... Whether it's what we want or not, we act on what we are focussed on.

Focus too intently on the negative, and I'm convinced that things become a million times worse than it really is,... and that 's what you'll bring forth.. rather, give strength and life-form to all you desire by visualzing the life you want, and deserve, to lead.


At 10:15 PM, Blogger Abhishek Kumar said...

i completely agree! we do create our reality with our thoughts! in fact, i have heard that the world is a "mirror". Our reality is a reflection of 'who we are'.

In fact, this is why we should not "want" stuff! Like I "want" money, "want" a car, "want" a beachhouse, "want" to be less angry.

Coz when we "want" something, we unconsciously acknowledge we don't have it. And if our sponsoring thought is that we don't have it... that is what "shows up" in reality.

Hehe... talk about "OOPS"

This is why visualization works so much better than just "wanting" stuff. Coz visualization shows us already having the stuff - and 'that' gets created!!


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