
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm not a huge 'birthDAY' fan but I do usually enjoy the perks that come along with the day. I luv the way how everyone around automatically assumes that the bday gal deserves it :) This birthday, for me, was a pretty quiet day.My spirit has been kinda tousled for the last few days. I'm in the occasional woe-is-me phase. Maybe that's the reason I chose to spend most of the day by myself today. I did have a good time.... turns out that I apparently, am pretty good company for myself! This was my horoscope for today - 'Today's energy is a delicate balance between war and peace'.' I guess I chose to keep the peace. The horoscope also read that I will see a lot of love and money in the coming year. I have my fingers crossed.

Many thanks to all my friends and family for wishing me and all the wonderful gifts! Specially to Carol... for my perfect birthday present! And those of you who did not remember the day.... nahh..I won't make you feel bad ...i.e. if you promise to make up for it in kind later
(hint, hint...) :)


tuesday, april 18, 2006

For no reason, I cried myself, of course.. I have rigorously trained myself to do this by myself...I've become quite adept at this and at shielding my heart, thus protecting it. But occasionally, some things happen that hurt so bad. I know I will feel absolutely restored soon but now I feel vulnerable. And susceptible to all my emotions.


At 5:35 PM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

: )


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