
Hey..This is Arti. My head always speaks a language I don't understand.... I hope my pen speaks a language you understand.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Weird Auto Incident

It wasn't exactly a secret mission.

Yesterday, I was in an auto (had some car trouble) on my way to work when all of a sudden, in the middle of heavy traffic (for those who know Chennai, this was on the nungambakkam main road), my auto driver turns off the ignition, walks over to the auto guy next to ours and, in the midst of honking horns, flexed middle fingers and a plethora of tamil profanities, passes a baggie to the other driver in exchange for a big, huge stack of money.

Not quite the stealthest mission I've ever witnessed. Then again, the only "missions" I've ever been privy to have been on NYPD Blue.

I patiently waited in the backseat for my driver to complete the deal (or rather, I was too stupefied and paralyzed from shock to say anything; and something tells me he could have cared less about hurrying things along and getting me to work on time). And once he did, as if nothing at all out of the ordinary had just happened - you know, as in a drug deal between two in the middle of a bustling street - my auto driver gets back in the vehicle, stuffs the money in his pocket and continues on his way to my intended destination. Weird, huh?


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